Be The 10 Percent
No doubt you, like so many others, have made up your mind this New Year's Eve to change your Life or create a new you: lose weight, save some money, quit your job, find that someone special for you or be that someone special for yourself. Maybe you’ve seen or (undoubtedly with the best intentions!) reposted memes telling of blank pages, writing your new story, being amazing and powerful and on and on and on and on. So much Hope being dangled before us like a well-meaning carrot; so much potential for real growth and fulfillment…finally! But the truth of the matter is that so often our resolutions are a heartbreaking waste of our faith in the magic of an arbitrary calendar day.
Cynical? Sure, but read on…
The problem is that the Hope that New Year’s Eve gives to us is like being given the car of your dreams…minus the steering wheel and tires. It tempts us with its shiny, newness! It teases us with horsepower and foot pounds of torque to get us where we only have dared dream to go. But when the clock strikes midnight and we giddily slam our foot down on the accelerator we may or may not actually move anywhere. If we do start to inch along, grinding pavement with bare steel rims, it is not without resistance and with no ability to maintain our course or navigate the obstacles we encounter. Eventually we tire of the effort and abandon the car in hopes that our old clunker life will not hold a grudge and let us back behind the wheel we’re so used to and comfortable with.
Defeatist? Probably, but there’s still more…
Statistically less than 10% of people will achieve their resolutions at all; most will fail before Valentine’s Day (which minimizes their personal suffering if you’re looking for a silver lining to this rather charcoal gray cloud I’m painting). Thats right, 9 out of 10 people will still be their same old wonderful, yet unhappyish and semi-fulfilled selves come this time next year.
So…still with me? I hope so because that’s it for the bad stuff, I promise.
Here's the GREAT part: you can be a part of the 10% with just a little guidance and structure. Yes, you have a blank page, yes you can write a new story today (and everyday) and for certain you are absolutely amazing and powerful! And if you're ready, I am happy to help, because
I want you to Succeed.
I know that you can Succeed.
In fact I might even believe it more than you because I have seen Success happen for people time and time again. Ready for a little guidance? Ready for putting a few simple concepts into practice? You must be or you wouldnt have read this far...
Now let’s get you to be part of the 10%!
You now have three Choices:
You can continue on just as you have been doing and hope things turn out differently for you;
You can follow along with any of my social media platforms (you only need to follow one because they all have the same content) and I will share with you my thoughts, tips, worksheets, and I'll keep you up to date on the free workshops and lunchtime coaching calls that I will be sharing throughout the month of January to get you well on your way to being part of the 10% who glow with the happiness of their Success;
You can jump right in with some one-on-one help by contacting me to schedule a complimentary 30 minute co-active coaching session. We can take some time to help you get clear on what you really want and develop some simple strategies to help get you on your way.
Now its up to you: what Choice will you make?