Often, I bring up ‘Time’ because it is so precious and yet so many of us miss out on little moments without being aware that we do. The time that we take everyday to stop the “things to do” and engage in some “wow, this feels good” is minimal at best, non-existent at worst.
Today, as I was getting out of the truck, having returned from a day of wrenching my arms and back working on things broken, I stepped onto the driveway and was met by a gentle breeze which was dancing through the grove of trees behind me. The lower yard, shaded from the sun, was filled from grass to treetops with a fluttering of yellow leaves from the walnut tree, which, resembling soft, large snowflakes, fell playfully to the ground around me.
I remembered having a golden retriever years ago who delighted in running through the yard and leaping into the air to catch the leaves as they descended. Even had she realized that they would eventually drift down to her level she still would have jumped as high as high could be to catch them ‘up there‘. I was in a bit of a hurry to get into the house and place my date book (yes, I still carry one of those non-electric dinosaurs), receipts, invoices and such into a huge messy pile on the kitchen table. Things to do, things to do…
But the breeze felt nice. It just enveloped me and I turned again to admire the leaves filling the air. I closed my eyes and smelled the air. I then fought a very alarming instinct - the instinct to “go - get something done”. I set my mess back onto the front seat of the truck and walked down to the grass. I wanted to be a part of it all. The importance of this Time took priority, and for a minute or two I walked among the cascade, closing my eyes and letting my senses indulge in what was happening all around me. The caress of the wind, the touch of the leaves - some soft, others dry, the sound of it all. It made me wonder what other moments we miss because of the blinders we sometimes wear to keep us focused and on task.