Too-Much-Choice Paralysis
It is the eve of the New Year and my mind is racing with all of the changes I want to make in my Life. I want to learn to play guitar, I want to brush up on my German, I want to create coaching pod casts, create new coaching groups to work with teens, Dad's, parolees and speak publicly on Success and living in an RV full time. I need to create a CD which will inspire and motivate people to take control of their Lives and move forward through each day this year with intention, courage and belief that they CAN have the Life that they really ache for. I want to hike and kayak, visit my Mom's grave in Germany and old friends in Italy. I want to eat schnitzel, finish the trim in the house, plant and garden and compost and savor fresh food, write a book or two, get back to the piano and be the best Dad to my children as well as the best husband to Celeste. I want to be a great friend, remember to send thank you cards, dress better and drink less red wine. I need to pay my membership fees, finish worksheets and interviews, sail my little boat (unless I sell it first), fish, cook new meals, start a household budget, invite more people to learn about the extraordinary feelings that coaching can help bring to their Lives. I want to respond to more calls when people are in need, listen to more live music, be less afraid, actually connect with old friends; see them, share a drink, a meal, laughs and tears. Get frustrated less, meditate more, Love with my heart wide open. I want to take Tai Chi, yoga classes and teach a weekend retreat seminar somewhere - sharing what I have to offer as well as being open to the wonderful learning that comes from the dynamic relationship of a workshop and the people who come together. Memorize a poem, travel, lose my belly, eat more veggies, more Oreos, drink more water and get to Russell's Ribs and Sol Toro on a regular basis.
Have your own list similar to this?
So many thoughts, so many things which would make Life that much happier. But where do we start? If we choose one thing, do we not, by definitions of space and time, physics and such, preclude the others? Do the behavioral changes that need to be made become overwhelming and send us scrambling back to the place of comfort where we are now? Why is the comfort of where we are now so compelling even though it does not allow the inclusion of what we so deeply desire?
What is the first step?
Well as a Life Coach I know so many things about situations like this - I live the same as everyone else. But it is not just knowing what to do; it is implementing what we know; making it a part of our Lives. More important than anything we can know is what we choose to do. Choose nothing and nothing will change, choose one thing and set the intention or goal and just about as certainly as the sun will rise, we will make the change. And the next one and the one after that.
The keys to me would seem to include:
1. Choose something. Anything.
2. Take a step. Any step.
3. Be patient and be persistent.
4. Have someone who holds you accountable.
So many goals and I want them all now! But I will pick two or three things, set a written goal, be accountable to someone and celebrate my journey as well as my Success!
Wishing you all the most wonderful year ahead ~
With Love and Gratitude,